CAN-EYE installation Error

CAN-EYE installation Error

File "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\StartMenu\Programs\Data\LogoCanEye1.png does not exist. Error in =>CAN_EYE.m at line 68

can-eye install error

The CAN-EYE installation  was not achieved successfully since you did not follow the instructions at the end of the installation.

To be able to run CAN_EYE from the windows startup menu or from your desktop icon, you need to perform one last manipulation. On the desktop icon CAN_EYE, right click, "properties", "shortcut" tab. Copy/Paste the character string from the "Target" item into the "start in" item (which should be empty at first) and delete CAN_EYE.exe" at the end. If the program is installed in C:\Program Files\, then

  • the target path will be:  "C:\Program Files\UMT_CAPTE\CAN_EYE\application\CAN_EYE.exe"
  • the starting path will be: "C:\Program Files\UMT_CAPTE\CAN_EYE\application\"

You need to do the same for the CAN_EYE icon in the windows start menu. If the Icon does not appear in the list, then look for it in "all  programs”

Click twice on the CAN_EYE icon to run the software. After a moment, the CAN-EYE main menu appears.